LaVire – Chasing Sunsets

photograph by Dave Curtis

UK rock outfit LaVire is another of those bands whose name we had seen bandied around but never quite found ourselves heading their way. It is an absence from our radar that has now been rectified thanks to the band themselves who got in touch to share their new EP, Chasing Sunsets, and a misdemeanour we will not be repeating.

Hailing from Lincoln, LaVire (La-Ve-Er) is a quartet consisting of vocalist Chloe-Jo, guitarist Aaron, bassist and another Aaron, and drummer Adam and has a sound that is described as alt-grunge/rock, a propositioned suggested for BIFFY CLYRO, HALESTORM, and THE PRETTY RECKLESS seeded appetites. Within their new EP we found a proposal that is as rock ‘n roll varied as it is richly individual, an aggressive yet melodically captivating trespass of sound within songs just as forceful and compelling and driven by a vocalist similarly as potent and dextrous in both contrasting aspects.

 Chasing Sunsets erupts into life with One Way to LA, a song the band described as being about “wanting fame, money and adoration at any cost with the false idea that it will be the key to happiness.” Riffs and rhythms immediately descend as the track bursts into life, Chloe’s snarling tones soon in their midst sharing a plaintive contemplation with energy and dexterity. It is a track as steeped in hard and alt rock as it is in metal and punk with just as compelling moments of melodic reflection, it all uniting for one seriously rousing incitement.

That is just an apt description of Fairweather Friend, though a song making a less intrusive entrance but one inescapably magnetic and intriguing as it introspectively examines the voice within. It is a relatively constrained opening though that soon erupts in sonic fire and uproar, a matching flume of heated emotion flowing through word and voice as the song frees its volcano.

Save Yourself, Kid completes the release, its nagging beginnings soon prowled by Chloe’s feral vocal side which in a mere breath or two more evolve into melodic prowess. Musically too, the song revolves in bestial and harmonic prowess, its mercurial landscape imaginatively crafted and skilfully shared.

It is an explosive end to a blistering release, one that has now made the band’s presence centre of attention here and we have no doubt it will do the same across the wide landscape beyond.

 The Chasing Sunsets EP is out now; available @  Spotify

Pete RingMaster 07/06/2024

Copyright RingMaster Review

Categories: EP, Music

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